An Enabling Platform for Nigeria's Integrated Infrastructural Development

The NIA-Integrated Infrastructures “Research for Development” Programs 2022 to 2027 (NIA-IINFRADCO) is the leading platform for Architects, all Professionals, and Organisations in Nigeria’s Built Environment Sector for Sustainable and Effective Participation in the Building and Acceleration of the Nations Integrated Infrastructures Development.

Preamble & Introduction

National development is everyone’s business. Howsoever, the political class have over the years been responsible for setting the agenda for National Development. The intention is to create a harmonious livable communities across the geographical territory of Nigeria. The most recent being the National Development Plan 2021 to 2025.

Creative Industries and Private Sector

 The Creative Industries refer to a range of economic activities concerned with generalising or exploring knowledge and information. There are thirteen identified groups. 

The industries can further be classified into two broad categories as shown below: 


The private sector comprises sole proprietorship, partnership and private companies ranging from small businesses to multinational corporations.


You can click here to download the guides to the Creative Industries and Private Sector. The document opens in a new tab.

National Integrated Infrastructure Development Master Plan

There is a National Integrated Infrastructures Development Master Plan by the Federal Government. The document attempts to provide some understanding into the possibilities of a National Integrated Infrastructures Development Master Plans.

National Development Plan

There is also a current National Development Plan 2021 to 2025 which in effect takes over from previous development plans. The National Development Plan implementation strategy is very clear and is based on the inclusive participation of the private sector on a ratio of Government 15% to Private Sector 85%.

F1: Planned Investment for National Development Plan 2021-2025

The Private Sector participation will be guided by the content of

part 7 of the National Development Plan – 2021 to 2025 statement/


F2: Implementation Mechanism for National Development Plan 2021-


F3: M&E Institutional Framework for National Development Plan


Architects Statement

The architects hereby declare that this National Development Plan initiative is a deliberate action towards the development and making of "Sustainable World Class Cities" across Nigeria.

A. The making of World class cities

I. Definition and Benefits of World-Class Cities:

A world-class city is a major international destination with a well laid out integrated infrastructural facilities. It is an international commercial center and an important node in the global economic system. Such a city has high relevance as well as the capacity to influence the global economy with a great impact. In these days of globalization, it will be most desirous to stimulate our hitherto under-developed cities to meet global standards. Globalization which is facilitated by strategic and geographic locations of importance to global economic system has high correlation to infrastructural development, investment opportunities as well as technology.

Thus, the benefits of World Class Cities are not far-fetched as they become centers of attraction especially in relation to International tourism, foreign investment, wealth transfer, enhanced infrastructure and a lot more.

II. Outlook and Examples of World-Class Cities:

Globally, several cities have been rated world-class, most of which are in the developed and emerging world economies. The outlook or features of world-class cities can be observed in many forms of which architecture is primary, while of course commerce/trade (investment), innovation (technology), quality of life, and Sustainable and infrastructural development are all integral in the making of any global city. World class cities of the old global economic giants based on global standards include New- York, London, Paris, Tokyo, Sydney, and many others, with their continual relevance in the global economy. However, Dubai, Hong- Kong, Singapore, Shanghai, and Moscow, among others have evolved as world-class cities of the new world economies as a result of their high potential and growing contribution to the global economy. Dubai is a good example of an emerging world-class city which has grown to be a focal point of attraction especially in the tourism genre. It continues to have a growing impact and relevance globally.

III. Realization of world-class cities: Role of Architects

Cities of most of the advanced nations of the world are instantly recognizable by the essence and quality of their architecture, which has been well used to re-define the identity of hitherto unknown and inconsequential locations turning them into tourist attractions and preferred destinations on the tourist map of the world which in turn contributes to the socio-economic standing of such nations. Architecture also helps to forge national identities as seen with Chinese cultural buildings and could be a driver of wealth creation through construction activities of innovative designs. In all these prospects and possibilities, the role of the architect cannot be overemphasized. In view of the vision of the National Development Plan Agenda, Nigeria is expected to join the new world economic powers and claim relevance in the global economy soonest. In the bid to be thus relevant, Nigerian cities need to be likewise upgraded to qualify as world-class. As it were, the only Nigerian city moving in the direction of world-class cities is Abuja. In the effort to ensure and sustain Abuja as a world-class African model city, therefore, other Nigerian cities must likewise move towards the direction of Abuja-FCT. This is the essence of the proposed International Conference being spearheaded by the Nigerian Institute of Architects. Hence, the role of Nigerian Architects in National Development and the making of World Class Cities cannot be overemphasized.

Implementation Plan –SPV

The architects have resolved to partner with all other professional associations with the ultimate agenda of transforming all Nigerian cities into ‘World Class Cities’. The program implementation plans and strategies will entail the identification, review and reconnaissance of the entire National Infrastructure on a sectorial basis by dedicated all-inclusive Sectorial Committees as a ‘Research for Development Programs’.

The Committees will be guided by the following ‘Terms of Reference’:-

  • Where are we now?
  • Why are we where we are?
  • Where should we be?
  • Where can we be?
  • How do we get to where we can be?

Accordingly, all sectorial committees shall engage with their respective sectors by way of effective interactions. The all-inclusive interactions will enable the ultimate development of the National Development Plan, Implementation Plans and strategies based, Report based or Research for Development. The various sectorial reports will provide the content for the interaction of all the various sectors.

Infrastructure Integration at State Levels National Integrations – of Infrastructure Master Plans

The program will be an annual conference with an initial 5 years and up to 10 years beyond. Guidelines projection is subject to periodic reviews as required.


The Architects are working and will continue to interact with the other associations and indeed all the stakeholders towards the realization of the intended primary object of National Development.

Sectoral Groups
All sectoral groups have been identified as stakeholders to contribute to Nigeria's integrated infrastructural development. For more information view the ministries and programme development teams below:

Budget Guidelines


The budget was based on 3 –key phases – Pre- Conferences, Conference Proper and Post Conference.

However, some aspects overlap. Some of the salient objects are:

  1. The Venue Set-up; Furnishing and Continuous Maintenance
    a. Main Venue
    b. Breakout / Syndicate Rooms
  2. Logistics
  3. Media Coverage
  4. Study Tours: Local and International
  5. Human Capital/Resources Development
    a. Directors
    b. Coordinators
    c. Secretaries
    d. Desk Officers
    e. Assistants
    f. Interns etc.
  6. General Assembly
  7. Post Conference Activities
    a. Resolutions and preparation of White Paper
    b. Preparation for the next annual conference

The program is expected to be largely financed from sponsorship and possible sub-ventions. We have already identified Multilateral Agencies, institutions and Government entities who are expected to be the party to the program and possibly beneficiaries.

They include but not limited to the following:- Potential Sponsors Potential sponsors for this conference shall include: INFRACO & ADB (Principal Sponsors) FGN, State Government, NDP, CBN, World Bank, AFDB, APEX Bank & Government Departments, Construction Companies, Service Providers, Banks/ other financial institutions, Insurance Companies, Foreign Investors/Partners, Airlines, Building Material Manufacturers, TETFUND, NSIA, Private sectors, Construction Companies, Federation of Construction industry (FOCI).

Interested sponsors outside the above-referenced listings are invited to make an expression of interest. Sponsorship could be program-specific or co-sponsorship exhibition and displays will be enabled as appropriate.


The architects and all other professionals are resolved to transform Nigerian cities into ‘Sustainable World Class Cities’ by adding value to all the sectors of ‘Physical and Organizational’ as well as ‘Social and Economic’ infrastructure developments. Hopefully, the continuous harmonious integration of the ‘National Infrastructures Master Plans will provide the much-needed foundation and guidance to the ‘National Development Plan’ 2021 to 2025. Furthermore, the group will continue to remain as the reference group for sustainable development. The following benefits will be easily identified from the program setup in ‘Research for Development’.

Important Benefits of the Program

  1. The architects and indeed all professional associations shall take ownership of the – National Integrated Infrastructure Development Master Plans and the National Development Plans including but not limited to 2021 to 2025 for sustainability.
  2. The sectorial information will become visible for purposeful development for integration with other sectors.
  3. A comprehensive country-wide sectorial database will enable a proper National Planning for Development.
  4. The program will be a knowledge vehicle for all professionals in the various sectors. These will certainly create an enhanced capacity of our professionals.
  5. The program includes study tours local and foreign as a strategic way to understand as well as for comparison in real-time with other economies. This will complement item 4 above.
  6.  The program will enable architects and other professionals to be part of sectorial definitions for development on a sustainable basis.
  7. Harmonization of sectorial Master Plans. The architects and other professionals will be part of or directly responsible for the purposeful harmonization and integrations of all sectorial- infrastructures Master Plans on a sustainable basis.
  8. The Conference in accordance with the set program is expected to synchronize with the ‘World Habitat Day’ which comes up every year during the first week of October. These programs will be a great boost to the participation of everyone from the Government, to multilateral agencies to architects and all professionals. The ‘Sustainable World Class Cities’ for Nigeria will provide the rider to showcase a positive intention for the realization of a better habitation for all Nigerians. The 5-day Annual Conference will certainly become a major event for global personalities in Nigeria.
  9. The program is expected to be a worthy implementation plan and strategy for the effective realization of private sector participation in the National Development Plan. The architects and the other professionals will provide a comprehensive definition for ease of reference by all including the private sector. All the private sectors will be better informed for effective decision-making.
  10. The ‘Research for Development’ program realization will be a turning point in the creation of the ‘National Integrated Infrastructures Development Master Plans’ as the most desired engine room for the ‘National Development Plan’ towards the realization of: - ‘Sustainable World Class Cities’ for Nigeria.

Finally, sustainability will be assured if we continually make professionalism attractive to the youths who are indeed the real successors to the harmonious Nigerian project.

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